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摘要:“马”用英文怎么读?马英语怎么读音,一分钟学会horses标准发音,快速记忆英语单词马的英文单词怎么读?马的英文单词是horse。英式读法是[hs];美式读法是[hrs]。作名词意思是马;支架;海洛因;马力;夹块。作动词意思是给…提供马。相关例句:1、When we went to a horse he is

今天给各位朋友讲解下 马什么的一天英语单词 的百科知识,其中也会对“马”用英文怎么读?(马用英文怎么读发音)进行专业解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站,现在我们开始吧!




马的英文单词是horse。英式读法是[hɔːs];美式读法是[hɔrs]。作名词意思是马;支架;***;马力;夹块。作动词意思是给…提供马。相关例句:1、When we went to a horse he is cutting.我们到的时候他正在凿一头马。2、The horse is raising its head, neighing and galloping forward with one foot treading on a flying swallow.奔马正昂首嘶鸣,举足腾跃,一只蹄踏在一只飞翔的燕子身上。3、Let's get rid of the stink of horse off you.把你身上那种马的臭味洗掉。扩展资料:单词解析:1、变形:过去式: horsed过去分词: horsed现在分词: horsing第三人称单数: horses2、用法:n.(名词)1)horse的基本意思是“马”,尤指未阉过的成年公马。引申可表示“骑马的军人,骑兵”,还可指撑衣服用的架子,即“衣架”。用于俚语可指“***”。2)作“马”解是可数名词,在句中有时可用作定语;作“骑马的军人,骑兵”解是集合名词,不可数,只有单数形式,但可与单数或复数动词连用。3、句子:用作名词(n.)1)The horse jumped the fence.那匹马跃过了栅栏。2)He withdrew his horse from the race.他让他的马退出了比赛。用作及物动词(vt.)1)Do you like to horse with me this afternoon?今天下午你愿意陪我去骑马吗?用作形容词(adj.)1)My father bought a horse blanket.我父亲买一条骑马用的毯子。2)He saw the horse guards.他看见了骑兵卫队。




马的英语:horse,音标: [hɔːs],按音标读。双语例句:1、don't change horses in midstream proverb choose a sensible moment to change your mind 〈谚〉 不要中流换马;不要在紧急关头改变策略。2、from the horse's mouth(of information) from the person directly concerned or another authoritative source (消息)直接来自有关人士的,来自权威人士的。3、horses for courses Brit. proverb different people are suited to different things or situations 〈英谚〉 马各有赛场,人各有所长。4、to horse(as a command) mount your horses!(作为命令)上马!you can lead(或take) a horse to water but you can't make him drink proverb you can give someone an opportunity, but you can't force them to take it 〈谚〉 牵马到水边易,逼马饮水难(你可以给人机会,但你不能逼他们去做)。


马的英语:horse,音标: [hɔːs],按音标读。双语例句:1、don't change horses in midstream proverb choose a sensible moment to change your mind 〈谚〉 不要中流换马;不要在紧急关头改变策略。2、from the horse's mouth(of information) from the person directly concerned or another authoritative source (消息)直接来自有关人士的,来自权威人士的。3、horses for courses Brit. proverb different people are suited to different things or situations 〈英谚〉 马各有赛场,人各有所长。4、to horse(as a command) mount your horses!(作为命令)上马!you can lead(或take) a horse to water but you can't make him drink proverb you can give someone an opportunity, but you can't force them to take it 〈谚〉 牵马到水边易,逼马饮水难(你可以给人机会,但你不能逼他们去做)。




马的英语单词 horse
