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摘要:marry是什么意思marry:英 [mri] ; 美 [mri] v:(和某人)结婚;嫁;娶;为…主持婚礼;操办婚礼;把…嫁给;为…娶亲第三人称单数:marries 现在分词:marrying 过去式:married 过去分词:married同根词:1、married adj:已婚的,有配偶的;婚姻的,

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marry:英 [ˈmæri] ; 美 [ˈmæri]v:(和某人)结婚;嫁;娶;为…主持婚礼;操办婚礼;把…嫁给;为…娶亲第三人称单数:marries现在分词:marrying过去式:married过去分词:married同根词:1、marriedadj:已婚的,有配偶的;婚姻的,夫妇的;密切结合的n:已婚者2、marriageableadj:可结婚的,适合结婚的3、marriagen:结婚;婚姻生活;密切结合,合并例句:1、He married his three daughters to princes of the ruling house.他把三个女儿都嫁给了王室的王子。2、My hope is that, in the future, I will go over there and marry her.我的希望是将来能去那里和她结婚。扩展资料词语用例:1、marry into sth:因结婚而成为(家庭或团体的)成员=to become part of a family or group because you have married sb who belongs to it例句:She married into the aristocracy.她因为婚姻关系而跻身贵族。2、marry sb↔off (to sb):(disapproving) 把…嫁给;为…娶亲=to find a husband or wife for sb, especially your daughter or son3、marry sth↔up (with sth):(将两个事物、人或部分)结合,匹配=to combine two things, people or parts of sth successfully


marry:英 [ˈmæri] ; 美 [ˈmæri]v:(和某人)结婚;嫁;娶;为…主持婚礼;操办婚礼;把…嫁给;为…娶亲第三人称单数:marries现在分词:marrying过去式:married过去分词:married同根词:1、marriedadj:已婚的,有配偶的;婚姻的,夫妇的;密切结合的n:已婚者2、marriageableadj:可结婚的,适合结婚的3、marriagen:结婚;婚姻生活;密切结合,合并例句:1、He married his three daughters to princes of the ruling house.他把三个女儿都嫁给了王室的王子。2、My hope is that, in the future, I will go over there and marry her.我的希望是将来能去那里和她结婚。扩展资料词语用例:1、marry into sth:因结婚而成为(家庭或团体的)成员=to become part of a family or group because you have married sb who belongs to it例句:She married into the aristocracy.她因为婚姻关系而跻身贵族。2、marry sb↔off (to sb):(disapproving) 把…嫁给;为…娶亲=to find a husband or wife for sb, especially your daughter or son3、marry sth↔up (with sth):(将两个事物、人或部分)结合,匹配=to combine two things, people or parts of sth successfully


结婚 娶/嫁


marry:英 [ˈmæri] ; 美 [ˈmæri]v:(和某人)结婚;嫁;娶;为…主持婚礼;操办婚礼;把…嫁给;为…娶亲第三人称单数:marries现在分词:marrying过去式:married过去分词:married同根词:1、marriedadj:已婚的,有配偶的;婚姻的,夫妇的;密切结合的n:已婚者2、marriageableadj:可结婚的,适合结婚的3、marriagen:结婚;婚姻生活;密切结合,合并例句:1、He married his three daughters to princes of the ruling house.他把三个女儿都嫁给了王室的王子。2、My hope is that, in the future, I will go over there and marry her.我的希望是将来能去那里和她结婚。扩展资料词语用例:1、marry into sth:因结婚而成为(家庭或团体的)成员=to become part of a family or group because you have married sb who belongs to it例句:She married into the aristocracy.她因为婚姻关系而跻身贵族。2、marry sb↔off (to sb):(disapproving) 把…嫁给;为…娶亲=to find a husband or wife for sb, especially your daughter or son3、marry sth↔up (with sth):(将两个事物、人或部分)结合,匹配=to combine two things, people or parts of sth successfully


marry:英 [ˈmæri] ; 美 [ˈmæri]v:(和某人)结婚;嫁;娶;为…主持婚礼;操办婚礼;把…嫁给;为…娶亲第三人称单数:marries现在分词:marrying过去式:married过去分词:married同根词:1、marriedadj:已婚的,有配偶的;婚姻的,夫妇的;密切结合的n:已婚者2、marriageableadj:可结婚的,适合结婚的3、marriagen:结婚;婚姻生活;密切结合,合并例句:1、He married his three daughters to princes of the ruling house.他把三个女儿都嫁给了王室的王子。2、My hope is that, in the future, I will go over there and marry her.我的希望是将来能去那里和她结婚。扩展资料词语用例:1、marry into sth:因结婚而成为(家庭或团体的)成员=to become part of a family or group because you have married sb who belongs to it例句:She married into the aristocracy.她因为婚姻关系而跻身贵族。2、marry sb↔off (to sb):(disapproving) 把…嫁给;为…娶亲=to find a husband or wife for sb, especially your daughter or son3、marry sth↔up (with sth):(将两个事物、人或部分)结合,匹配=to combine two things, people or parts of sth successfully

marry与marry to与marry with有什么区别

marry既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,意为结婚;嫁;娶;与.结婚等.常见用法如下:一、marry sb表示嫁给某人;与.结婚.例如:John married Mary last week.上星期约翰和玛丽结婚了.二、be/get married to sb表示与某人结婚.例如:Jane was married to a doctor last month. 上个月简和一位医生结婚了.三、marry 一般不与介词with 连用.例如:她和一位英**结了婚.【误】She married with an Englishman.【正】She married an Englishman.【正】She was / got married to an Englishman.


married 英[ˈmærid] 美[ˈmærid]
adj. 已婚的; 与…结为夫妻的; 婚姻的;
n. 已婚的年轻人;
v. 嫁; 娶; (使) 结婚( marry的过去式); 紧密结合的;
[网络] 已婚; 分居; 结婚的;
[例句]Studies have shown that individuals who are already happier when they are young have a higher probability of becoming and remaining married.
[其他] 第三人称单数:marries 现在分词:marring 过去式:married过去分词:married 形近词: tarrier tarries farrier

get married和marry的区别

get married 表示状态:意思是已婚的,marry是动词,意思是结婚


marry:英 [ˈmæri] ; 美 [ˈmæri]v:(和某人)结婚;嫁;娶;为…主持婚礼;操办婚礼;把…嫁给;为…娶亲第三人称单数:marries现在分词:marrying过去式:married过去分词:married同根词:1、marriedadj:已婚的,有配偶的;婚姻的,夫妇的;密切结合的n:已婚者2、marriageableadj:可结婚的,适合结婚的3、marriagen:结婚;婚姻生活;密切结合,合并例句:1、He married his three daughters to princes of the ruling house.他把三个女儿都嫁给了王室的王子。2、My hope is that, in the future, I will go over there and marry her.我的希望是将来能去那里和她结婚。扩展资料词语用例:1、marry into sth:因结婚而成为(家庭或团体的)成员=to become part of a family or group because you have married sb who belongs to it例句:She married into the aristocracy.她因为婚姻关系而跻身贵族。2、marry sb↔off (to sb):(disapproving) 把…嫁给;为…娶亲=to find a husband or wife for sb, especially your daughter or son3、marry sth↔up (with sth):(将两个事物、人或部分)结合,匹配=to combine two things, people or parts of sth successfully
