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摘要:水獭的英文名是什麼?   Otter——可以百度在线翻译的用“英语”介绍下水獭   Otter streamlined body, about 60 to 80 cm, weight up to 5 kilograms. Head wide and slightly




  Otter streamlined body, about 60 to 80 cm, weight up to 5 kilograms. Head wide and slightly flat, short kisses, a few root central chin otters to be short and hard. Eyes slightly prominent, short, round ears, nostrils, ear canal with water poured into the valve. Tail slender, the base tapering to the end. Short limbs, with webbed toes. Body h鸡ir long and dense, brownish-black or brown, with silky luster; the end of soft, rich velvet. Dorsal gray brown, the color gray brown chest, throat, neck gray coat also showed seasonal variation, summer, slightly reddish brown.
  Nocturnal to fish, rodents, frogs, crabs, waterfowl and other staple food. They are good at swimming and diving, one can stay under water for 2 minutes. Otters from fish to catch as fast as a cat and mouse, the former often prey on the V, as the waters of the stones, once found in game, which quickly caught bashing. Otter fishing hobby, even after a full belly, they will be endless killing fish.


  This movie tells us a story that Diedo,Sid and Manny meet with pirates after the贰 leave their families when the continents drifts。

药物堕胎对身体的伤害及如何保养? 15分



  Otter streamlined body, about 60 to 80 cm, weight up to 5 kilograms. Head wide and slightly flat, short kisses, a few root central chin otters to be short and hard. Eyes slightly prominent, short, round ears, nostrils, ear canal with water poured into the valve. Tail slender, the base tapering to the end. Short limbs, with webbed toes. Body hair long and dense, brownish-black or brown, with silky luster; the end of soft, rich velvet. Dorsal gray brown, the color gray brown chest, throat, neck gray coat also showed seasonal variation, summer, slightly reddish brown.
  Nocturnal to fish, rodents, frogs, crabs, waterfowl and other staple food. They are good at swimming and diving, one can stay under water for 2 minutes. Otters from fish to catch as fast as a cat and mouse, the former often prey on the V, as the waters of the stones, once found in game, which quickly caught bashing. Otter fishing hobby, even after a full belly, they will be endless killing fish.


  bird 鸟  fish 鱼  panda 大熊猫
  snake 蛇  cat 猫  lion 狮子  dog 狗
  parrot 鹦鹉  dragon 龙  tiger 老虎
   monkey 猴子 elephant大象  chicken 鸡
   chick小鸡  owl 猫头鹰  duck 鸭子
  pet 宠物  pig 猪  cow 牛 sheep 羊
    horse 马  frog 青蛙 rabbit 兔子  mouse 老鼠


  动物 Animals
    horse 马 mare母马 colt, foal 马驹,小马 mustang 野马 mule 骡 ass, donkey 驴 ox 牛 buffalo水牛 bull 公牛 cow 母牛 calf 小牛 pig 猪
  piglet 猪崽 sheep羊 ewe 母羊 goat 山羊
  antilope 羚羊
  reindeer 驯鹿
  elephant 象
  cat 猫
  lion 狮
  leopard 豹
  yak 牦牛
  squirrel 松鼠
  ferret 雪貂
  hare 野兔
  mouse 家鼠
  gibbon 长臂猿
  kangaroo 袋鼠
  porcupine 箭猪 lamb 羊羔 gazelle 小羚羊 giraffe长颈鹿 rhinoceros 犀牛 tomcat 公猫 lynx 猞猁 tiger 虎 dog 狗 otter 水獭 marmot 土拨鼠 bear 熊 rat 鼠 vole 田鼠 gorilla 大猩猩 anteater 食蚁兽koala 考拉 bat 蝙蝠 zebra 斑马 deer鹿 camel 骆驼 hippo 河马 kitty, pussy 小猫 puma 美洲豹 wildcat 野猫 badger 獾 fox 狐 wolf 狼 rabbit 兔子 mole 鼹鼠 monkey 猴子 orangutan猩猩 duckbill鸭嘴兽 hedgehog 刺猬 whale 鲸 kitten


  动物 Animals
    horse 马 mare母马 colt, foal 马驹,小马 mustang 野马 mule 骡 ass, donkey 驴 ox 牛 buffalo水牛 bull 公牛 cow 母牛 calf 小牛 pig 猪
  piglet 猪崽 sheep羊 ewe 母羊 goat 山羊
  antilope 羚羊
  reindeer 驯鹿
  elephant 象
  cat 猫
  lion 狮
  leopard 豹
  yak 牦牛
  squirrel 松鼠
  ferret 雪貂
  hare 野兔
  mouse 家鼠
  gibbon 长臂猿
  kangaroo 袋鼠
  porcupine 箭猪 lamb 羊羔 gazelle 小羚羊 giraffe长颈鹿 rhinoceros 犀牛 tomcat 公猫 lynx 猞猁 tiger 虎 dog 狗 otter 水獭 marmot 土拨鼠 bear 熊 rat 鼠 vole 田鼠 gorilla 大猩猩 anteater 食蚁兽koala 考拉 bat 蝙蝠 zebra 斑马 deer鹿 camel 骆驼 hippo 河马 kitty, pussy 小猫 puma 美洲豹 wildcat 野猫 badger 獾 fox 狐 wolf 狼 rabbit 兔子 mole 鼹鼠 monkey 猴子 orangutan猩猩 duckbill鸭嘴兽 hedgehog 刺猬 whale 鲸 kitten


  是有这回事 黄鼠可以后腿站立,前腿拱立如人行揖 一般春天活动都比较多 所以作者留意到了 其实很多老鼠都有这种动作的 不知道松鼠你见过没有 水獭也会这样的 黄 鼠 学 名 Citellus dauricus (Brandt)属兔形目,鼠兔科。别名达乌尔黄鼠、蒙古黄鼠、草原黄鼠、大眼贼、豆鼠子、禾鼠等。分布在东北、山西、内蒙古、陕西、甘肃、青海、河南等省区。 寄 主 谷子、沙篙、沙葱、牧草及一些植物的浆果、种子,有时也食鞘翅目昆虫的幼虫。 为害特点 喜食植物的多汁液幼嫩部分,常使作物的管心被成片抽掉;秋季食灌浆乳熟期的种子,使禾苗大量枯死。 形态特征 中等黄鼠体长200—250mm,体重200—450g,尾长为体长的1/5—1/3,头大,眼大而圆,故俗称“大眼贼”。耳壳退化,短小,颈、四肢、尾均较短。爪黑色、强壮。雌体具乳头5对。背毛深黄色,杂有黑褐色毛,腹部、体侧及前肢外侧为沙黄色。尾末端间有黑白色环。眼眶四周具白圈,耳壳黄色。颅骨椭圆形,吻端略尖,眶上峪基部的前端有缺口,无人字嵴。门齿狭扁,后无切迹。牙端整齐。 生活习性 达乌尔黄鼠是我国北部干旱草原和半荒漠草原的主要鼠类,喜散居。对生境有选择性,较喜湿,最适生境为草原和山地草原,通常多在植被覆盖率25%左右,植株高15—20cm处活动。该鼠除繁殖季节以外,多单沿独居,洞穴多筑于荒地、地头、坟地、荒草坡、路旁及多年生草地处,分常住洞和临时f同,临时洞内无窝巢,且多达几个至十几个。常住洞通常只有一个洞口,洞口光滑完整,直径7—8cm,洞口前有土丘和足迹,周围无粪便,洞道长2.9—4.3m,洞深1.1—1.4m,无仓库,不贮粮。雄巢球状,雌巢盆状。一年中半年活动,半年休眠,即冬眠。活动范围300—500m。黄鼠挖掘力强,遇敌害时,能迅速地“打墙”逃避。视觉、嗅觉、听觉灵敏,记忆力强,警惕性高。黄鼠不喝水,年繁殖一次,出蛰后5月中旬进入妊娠期,孕期28天,哺乳期24天,每胎产仔6—7只,多达11只,仔鼠20天睁眼,34—36天后自行打洞分居,开始独立生活,寿命2—3年,一般不超过5年。
