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This article looks at the appearance of "ultra wide-band" in Tipped and Shaded Golden British Shorthairs. These are also known as Golden Chinchilla and Golden Shell.

英国短毛猫 British Shorthairs金尖点色=金贝壳色=Tipped Golden=Golden Shell金阴影色=金吉拉色=Shaded Golden=Golden Chinchilla带宽基因 ultra wide-band注:下文统一用金-尖点色、金-阴影色,望周知。

“铜色”这一说法是Linda Petersson Wahlqvist用来描述有着以下外观的金尖点色(金贝壳色)猫咪:白脚趾、白肚皮、尾尖长着尖端为深色(黑/蓝)的金色毛发、无深色眼线。

The term "copper" was adopted by Linda Petersson Wahlqvist to describe Golden Shell cats with white toes, white undersides, golden colour with the dark tips (e.g. black or blue) restricted to the tail tip and an absence of dark nose-liner.

这些外观表现偏离了【尖点 *** 咪】的标准,但在俄罗斯和一些德国血统的金色英国短毛猫中却大量出现。


These phenotype deviates from the standard for tipped cats, but is becoming prevalent in Russia and in some German lines of British Golden Shorthairs. "Copper" is not an official term, but it allows breeders to describe the phenotype in a single word.



Emergence of Extreme Golden in Russia

这个部分最早发布于俄罗斯网站:Shaded Cats(不懂俄语不要点了)

This section is an English language summary of information>一般呢,金化和银化现象都视作尖点色下的两种相关颜色。





Traditionally, gold and silver were seen as related colours belonging to the category of tipped colours. ideally the tipping should not exceed 1/8 of the hair, and there should be no trace of tabby markings. This was achieved in silvers, but not in goldens. Typically, golden cats had ticked fur with 2 or more bands of colour, and they had residual markings including rings>




The new goldens that appeared in Europe were not ny11 (tabby-based goldens) they were ny25 (ticked-based goldens). The new goldens attracted a lot of interest in Russia. In *** hood the cats had extremely uniform tipping with no hint of a tabby pattern. There were no markings>



这种新型的金色和银 *** 咪在繁育人圈子里越来越受欢迎。不仅仅是因为他们喜欢这种花纹,而且这种猫咪在比赛中更有竞争力获得成功。

These cats had a huge advantage because they were closer to the “ideal” golden colour in the standard. But they also were deficient against the standard because the hairs were not tipped with the genetic colour (and the nose leather did not have a dark outline which should be present in agouti cats). The new extreme golden and new silver cats increased in popularity with many breeders being drawn into it, not always because they like it better, but because it was competitive and was “the way to go” to succeed at shows.




Some breeders tried to remove the pattern and to make the colour as warm and bright as possible. To accomplish this they outcrossed to genetically ticked tabbies to remove any trace of a tabby pattern. Ticked-based silvers and goldens still had ticked hairs (pale grey in the case of silvers, yellow in the case of goldens), but this was not detrimental to the overall effect.

繁育人,尤其是俄罗斯的繁育人,进一步挑选最浅色的金吉拉猫咪繁育,这些金 *** 咪有着白脚趾且眼周也是白色的。



Breeders, particularly in Russia, continued to select the brightest gold chinchillas to breed with and the brightest, most orange, golden cats had pale toes and pale markings around the eyes. Some cats were a pale yellowish gold with nearly-white toes. Some breeders worried that this bleaching turned golden cats into something else. Others believe that there is no really bright golden colour without some degree of bleaching. This caused debates over which was the true golden colour –gold with not bleaching, or bright gold with bleached toes and bleached underparts.

秋田犬 VS 柴犬


大家都努力繁育这种浅浅的极端金猫咪,这种颜色通常认为比普通的金化红色系颜色更具特色,因为金化红色看着也跟不金化的红 *** 看起来差不多。

许多俄罗斯繁育人觉得没必要把铜色定义为一个新的颜色,它是繁育完美的金 *** 咪过程中产生的一个天然的颜色。


The bleached (or “excessive”) version was termed “Akita” after the Akita Inu (Shiba Inu) dog, and is also known as “copper.” Nobody stopped the breeding of the extreme golden cats with bleaching and the colour was seen as more distinctive than the ordinary golden-red colour, which was too much like an ordinary red-ticked cat. Many of the Russian breeders do not feel the need to separate the Akita/Copper cats into a new colour, but see it as a natural evolution of colour to create the perfect golden cat. Even the pale goldens are not a problem – while they may not be show-quality, they can produce bright red kittens.

欧洲的情况 Investigations in Europe



带宽基因Wb完全独立于抑制基因 I ,但它本身是多基因遗传,只是用简化为Wb去描述。


通过选择性育种,这一段浅黄 *** 段的宽度被大大增加。我们用Wb、Wb+和Wb++来描述具有正常、中等和极高宽带宽度的猫咪。
