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我希望通过自己的努力取得成功的英文:No pain,no gain


1、gain profit 获得利益

2、gain experience 获得经验

3、gain control 增益控制

4、gain access 获得访问权限

gain 读法 英 [ɡeɪn]  美 [ɡeɪn]  

n. 获得;收益;增益

v. 获得;到达;增加;获利;(钟、表等)走得快


1、Just as we say in English," No pain, no gain ". 


2、That might consign the adage "no pain, no gain" to the history books.






Her talent and hard work gained her success as an artist.




profit, advantage, interest, favour, gain这组词都有“利益、好处”的意思,其区别是:

1、profit 着重收益,尤指从物质、钱财等方面获得的利益。

2、advantage 指因某方面占优势或利用某机会以及对方弱点而获得利益与好处。

3、interest 作“利益”解时,多用复数形式,既可指集团、群体的利益,又可指个人的利益。

4、favour 指在竞争中获得的advantage,也可指在狭隘的个人利益。

5、gain 指获得的物质利益,也暗示不损坏他人利益而得的无形好处。

1. I wish to succeed through my own diligence/告庆I wish to get my dream realized via the diligence of my own.

2. I can make it/You should start to work hard.

3. No Penny, No Gain.戴佩妮最经典辩拿的一张专辑就携友搭叫

1.I hope to be successful through my own effort.
I hope to realize my dream through my own effort.

2.I can succeed./It's time you work harder.
3.No pains, no gains.

1.I hope I can succeed through my hard work/悉笑敬悉 make the dream come true.

2.You can succeed/睁稿含 You must have tried your best.

3.No pain,no gain.

1 "I hope that, through the efforts of its own success / realize their dream of two successful I / you should try the three. No pay no gain

年轻人可以参加这些活动获得一些社会经验 翻译成英语__Young people can participate in these activities to gain some social experience。求采纳,跪谢。

"我希望通过自己的努力取得成功..英语怎么说?__我希望通过自己的努力取得成功的英文:No pain,no gain 固定搭配:1、gain profit 获得利益 2、gain experience 获得经验 3、gain control 增益控制 4、gain access 获得访问权限 gain 读法 英 [ɡeɪn] 美 [ɡ...

有丰富的经验翻译成英语怎么说__直接用quite experienced in doing sth.就可以了,rich experience感觉不常用了

经验用英语单词怎么写__experience 您的支持就是我继续前行及帮助别人的动力 愿您与我一起传播『 爱心 』之种 望采纳↖(^ω^)↗

“吸取经验,以史为鉴”用英语怎么说呢?__最简洁的就是:benefit(ing) from experience,learn(ing) from history

经验的英语缩写__下面图片里黄色的条, 就是显示你的经验值。等级 LV:英文是level。你获得的经验达到游戏规定的数值,就会升级。升级之后,你的各项属性都会增长——你的生命更顽强,你的知识能量更充沛,你的抗击打能力更强。

...会挣到钱而且从中还能得到一些社会经验 用英语怎么说__so that I can not only make money,but also obtain some social experience

我们可以从失败中获得很多经验,这无疑对我们是有益的。英文翻译__We can get a lot of experience from the failures, it is undoubtedly useful for us。

我们应当向雷锋学习 用英语怎么说__我们应当向雷锋学习的英文:We should learn from Lei Feng learn 读法 英 [lɜːn] 美 [lɝn]1、vt. 学习;得知;认识到 2、vi. 学习;获悉 短语:1、learn by oneself 自学 2、learn of ...

学生会为大学生提供了很多获取生活经验的机会英语翻译__The Student`s Union provides university students many chances for getting life experience.
